Why Digital Signage?

Fine-grained targeting, consumer attention, accountability and measurable return on investment.

Why Digital Signage

Why Digital Signage?

Digital signage delivers what marketeers are looking for today: fine-grained targeting, consumer attention, accountability and measurable return on investment.

Digital signage is a new and unique medium that combines the power of mass media with the precision of niche marketing. It provides direct communication with consumers at point of decision, where the viewer is either waiting for service or looking for the right product.

In few words digital signage is:

  • Attractive
  • Very well targeted
  • Easy Renewable
  • Dynamic
  • Ordered and Centralized managed


Consumers consider TV ads as interrupts to the TV program. Well designed digital signs are helpful and directive information to client decisions. Furthermore in digital signage visitors cannot zap to avoid ads.


Digital signage is a result of the convergence between the information technology, electronic display devicesand media industry.

Technically, digital signage is part of the Outdoor/Outof-Home media segment and is tracked by the statistics related to the above.

The driving force behind the rapid growth of digital signage is an acute market demand for a means of communication that delivers more accurate targetingand higher efficiency than traditional media. Such factors as the dropping prices of displays and hardware, as well as the emerging standards and measurements are contributing to the growing acceptance of digital signage by advertisers.


Flexibility of real-time advertising and information

Digital advertising can be changed on the fly according to the time of day.

Targeted audiences

With digital signage, advertising focuses on the best potential customer: an existing one. It's much easier to convince a current customer to purchase a product that is right in front of them than to convince a new customer to come at the store.

Cost savings

Every time digital signage users change their message or campaign, they save on printing costs and processing time.


Digital advertising is more measurable than most traditional forms of advertising.

Increased sales

In-store digital signage can increase sales for most products, and generate impulse sales for products.

More educated consumers

Most consumers consider informational signage positive,and feel impulsed to find out about the product themselves.